Ready to Move Forward?
You’re journeying through this maze called life and yet you wonder when it will get easier. Maybe you feel frustrated, stuck or just plain ole bored with life. Maybe you know exactly what why that is.
Maybe you have no idea.
You want to experience joy and live in the moment. You’re ready for something new and ultimately you just want life to feel different.
Hi, I’m Sheila
I help you see the way forward so that you can consciously create a life you love and celebrate.
The people I work with are committed to their personal growth and raising the consciousness on the planet. They have a desire to understand more about themselves and their journey to feeling whole and complete. They want to step forward and grow.
They are willing to look at themselves in curiosity and ask what they can do to heal, to change and to move forward.
I am thrilled to be supporting people who are committed to themselves.
Who Am I Really?
I’ve been on a spiritual journey my entire life with a mission to understand how this world works. Through that journey, I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge, tools and wisdom to be shared with others. As my journey shifts in this phase of life, my desire is to inspire and teach others to live their life in the fullest way possible. With my inner guidance as my compass and my Higher Self as my guide, I have a unique ability to see possibilities for others as well as what’s keeping someone from moving forward. Often this shows up as ideas and occasionally a past life block or pattern will arise to be cleared.
You’ll find inspirational conversations on The Spiritual Geek Podcast
You can subscribe to all things geeky with Nerdy Awakenings on my substack.
And if you really want to know my life story, you can read that here.
Certificates, Education and Courses Completed
The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology Life Coaching Course (Beginner to Intermediate)
Mind Valley Evercoach: The Fundamentals of Coaching with Ajit Nawalkha
Formal Education
Bachelor of Science in Math & Computer Science
Masters in the Management of Technology
previously a certified Project Manager through PMI
previously a certified Agile Scrum Practitioner
And a multitude of Leadership and Corporate Trainings in my 20+ years in Corporate America.
Coursework (highlights)
Jenny Shih Make it Work Online
Pamela Bruner Transformation Biz Club
Kaia Ra Sophia Circle Journey
Kaia Ra Stargate 2 Divine Feminine Leadership
Courtney Dillon Living Intuition & All Her Workshops
Jan Thompson Dowsing with Higher Self as Guide
Wendy Kennedy’s Monthly Galactic Light Codes
Gemisphere Introductory Working with Gemstones Class
Eden Energy Medicine Introductory Class
T Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Workshop (2 times 😉)
T Harv Eker’s Peak Potentials, Enlightened Warrior Camp and Ultimate Leadership Camp
Gerry Robert’s Publish a Book & Grow Rich
Michelle Prince Bookbound by the Sea
Arthur Joseph Vocal Awareness
Arbinger Living with an Outward Mindset
Judith Kusel Goddess Energy Course
Jeddah Mali Changing the Paradigm
Reiki 1 & 2 Certifications
Reading the Akashic Records for Self
Reading the Akashic Records for Others
Life Force Education Liberty Experience Training
Life Force Education Mastery Course
Marissa Peer Uncompromised Life